Proactive anti-corruption practices
We are committed to conducting our business with integrity. We are opposed to corruption in any form, including bribery, and comply with the Prevention of Corruption Act of Singapore.
We have implemented a whistle-blowing policy to provide accessible confidential disclosure avenues for employees to raise concerns about possible improprieties in matters of financial reporting and others. In FY2021, no serious offence was reported (FY2020: zero).
Safe working environment
A safe work environment allows our employees to work safely without fear of getting injured. This helps to build loyalty amongst our employees and support the sustainability of our Group. Accordingly, we are committed to prioritising a safety and security conscious culture amongst our employees of all levels.
We recorded zero (FY2020: zero) workplace fatality during the reporting period and 10 non-fatal workplace injuries resulting in 96 man-days lost during the reporting period. The workplace accidents were mainly associated with hand and foot injuries. Lessons learnt from the non-fatal workplace accidents are shared across business units to prevent recurrence. Simultaneously, we will continue to work towards reducing both the occurrence and severity of workplace accidents.
Key measures adopted to manage health and safety in the workplace environment include:
- Safety rules and regulations
- Regular safety audits
- Governance by safety committees
- New employees are briefed on safety procedures during orientation
- Safe workplace practices, including visible display of signs at strategic locations at our manufacturing facilities
- Regular briefings and talks on workplace safety
- Accidents are tracked and monitored regularly
- Employees are provided with adequate health and safety training
- Regular safety communication via emails are sent to employees to raise awareness on various safety topics.